A Beginner's Guide to How To Draw

A Beginner’s Guide on How To Draw



A Beginner’s Guide to How To Draw

A Beginner's Guide to How To Draw

Have you ever thought about how artists come up with the greatest drawings that leave you wishing you knew how to draw?

Well most of them didn’t grow up drawing, they learned the art of drawing. Whether you dream of becoming the next Pablo Picasso or are simply thinking of giving your own imagination a creative outlet, you can learn how to draw in three simple steps. Here, take a look.

Step 1: Start with a rough sketch

Beginners who wish to be great artists should start by drawing the simplest things from a rough sketch. For instance, if you are drawing a flower, don’t draw one petal at a time. You may end up drawing one section of the object and forgetting about the big picture. If you ignore sketching what you want to draw you may also end up running out of room or end up with an unattractive imbalanced picture.

A Beginner's Guide to How To Draw

When it comes to sketching, simply use light repeated strokes and loosen things up. You are bound to make mistakes but don’t mind about them. This is simply putting a general idea on paper and not perfecting it. If you are drawing a real object, compare what you have sketched and what is on the original object. The sizes of the shapes relative to each other should be as accurate as possible.

Imagine what you want your flower to look like ultimately then have a light sketch of your imagination with a pencil. The best way to have a more realistic drawing is to imagine the basic shapes of the object is made of.

Step 2: Enhance your sketch

You can use darker/heavier lines to elaborate your sketch. This is a great way to bring out parts of the drawing you need. You can take out the lines you don’t need. You can add details to your drawing bit by bit but always make sure you look back to see if it has what you wanted. There are several techniques you can use to enhance your ability to express ideas through your art.

SEE ALSO: Opportunities in Art

You can draw with shadings. Think of how the light hits an object and which parts of the body need more light or need to be darker. This is a simple way to add intensity, depth, and luminosity to your drawing.

It is also important to practice with shadows if you wish to have a more realistic drawing. You can be good at shadows if you study and understand the way light normally reflects from objects and the shadow that its leaves.

Step 3: Add realism touches

A Beginner's Guide to How To Draw

Understand what makes a certain object look real in a drawing. Mastering this practice is key if you want to make your drawings appear more life-like. This involves familiarizing yourself with perspective-meaning things that far look smaller and that one that is nearer look bigger. Also, understand the proportion of the image-how different parts of an object relates to each other.

With that in mind, you will be able to have a drawing that looks better than what you used to draw. You will not have a perfect drawing at first. It is important to understand that drawing is an art that gets better with practice.


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